Oh shoot there's a blog?
UPDATE ONE: Okay, so this will just be for when I update the site with major stuff, Don't expect it to be done often.
- Added Blog Section
That's pretty much it.
UPDATE 2 (4/21/2023): As well as revealing the blog section, I FINALLY GOT A HIT COUNTER ON MY SITE! Thank goodness!
- Added hit counter to main page FINALLY.
UPDATE 3: (5/1/2023): I finally made all of the text in my Link Dump mostly readable, and the links work!
- Fixed the Link Dump's issue with pages that don't have buttons being utterly unreadable due to the literal garbage backround.
UPDATE 4: (It was more than one day but it was during May 2023): A suprising lot considering this site.
- Added a new website to the link dump with a button I bothered to add
- Added Navi-Gator to main page because of course I had to. It's a Navi-Gator!
- Added a button for linking back to my page on the main page.
- Added new Beta navigation page using GRAPHICS!
- Added a gallery with a exibit of website images and yes they aren't scaled properly.